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 MOnday APril Thirteen npm charlax MackBison

MOnday APril Thirteen npm charlax MackBison
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Those GOlden Arrow Arches
COMe to MackDOnalds and eat the old INdian way
we now have the MACKBison burgers on the way
they will be Buffalo on tasted flat bread gummed by the whole tribe
Ronald is now on the reservation shooting the buffalo down
he is using a replica of the Buffalo gun used by Wild Bull Jody
they cant get them in the Macdonald Mobiles fast enought they cant keep up with Dead eye Ronald is a fast shotting clown he wants to serve a million of them now you see them now you dont what kind of sauce is on the bun for the buffalo meat we need something sweet seven secret spices in the meat just like the old Colonal taught him poor Ronald is using mustard gas in the gun now he ran out of used bullits the gas knocks the Bison for a loop near US 44 you can send a drone to get some more in nearly every nearby city the Golden Archway nearest the really fast lanes zip into Mcdonalds drivein windows now get the Bison Burger almost free ask for the new MACKBison Burger and get half the mustard off thats right Ladies tell your main man to order upp the MACKBison only 44 cents for an unlimited time as long as they hold out in the freezer from the freezer to the microwave to the bun in no time flat no money ever given back no Guarantee of anything free as long as we can get some money we will keep on killing all the Bison after all its the AMerican Way to rid the INdian of his land
each burger sold only once none sold seperately they all came from the same BULL or COW down the way the long way and the free way the left over lane and the right way lane yes you did you figured out this is a PARODAY boys and girls read more poetry
get down there to MacDonalds now and get some
MOnday APril Thirteen npm charlax MACKBison
ask for them by namme
— in Denmark.